So nyway, there's bloody bastard who just so happens to be Joanne's ex who came back. Too bad I didnt get to meet up with him this time round else I'd shoot him kao kao. He fcuking thinks that he is better than everybody else. He puts himself higher than everbody else. Just coz you study law and all you think ur fucking better than everybod else?
NEWS FLASH : YOU ARE NOT. And I know there are people out there who totally agree with me on this, e.g Joanne a.k.a the girl who DUMPED your sorry ass and made you cry ur balls out. You are a fatass bitch who claims to go to the gym so often. Then I think it's best you change your gym membership coz you are stil fucking obese.
Oh and it's funny how you can MISTAKENLY send wrong texts to Joanne even after she fucking DUMPED you. If you're trying to make her jealous, you're on the wrong track, chubby. If she stil cared that much to be jealous, she wudnt have DUMPED you. And who the fuck do you think you are to fucking talk to her MOTHER like you are even better than her? Yes, I read your text coz I was with her at that point in time. You said "Please teach your daughter to be a good honest person." She shud've texted YOUR mother and said "Please teach your jackass son how to be a good humble person." I'm so sad for your mom since she tried so hard to raise a decent child but ended up with YOU.
It's funny how somebody as arrogant as you can fucking BEG Joanne to take you back though she DUMPED you. You shud have seen me and her mom laughing when you were crying during CNY. Then you think you're driving Ferarri zit? Try to lap after you left her house? Grow up you sonofabitch. You're fucking 24 and you vent out your anger on a fucking PERDANA? Wow, what happened to your BMW?
I'm laughing even typing this shit out. Have you ever realised that you have ZERO friends by ur side? Funny how somebody of your "stature" has no friends huh? Must be your egoistical bitchiness. I ran outta words to describe your ego so yeah, I'm making words up. You egoistic bastard. If you think you're too fucking good to be friends with anyone, please take a GOOD HARD look in the mirror. See your pimpled face and double chin. No matter how many cosmetic products you use cant help get rid of your ugliness.
You aint got no alibi,
You're UGLY!
[a song dedicated to you]
For people who wanna see his actual fugly face, just ask me for a link to his friendster. Yeah, he looks ugly in pictures too. But uglier in real life, go figure. And Gwen darlingg, you know who he is. We were bitching about him the other night. :)
It's funny how Pearl Ong even chose a GIRL over you huh? Yeah, I typed GIRL in caps lock just as you did when you texted Joanne. I dont know where you hear all your shit from but rest assured that ANYBODY out there is better than you. I can throw a stone into a crowd and it wud land on somebody better than you. Wait, lemme guess. Just coz I'm ranting about you, you think I'm jealous? PUH-LEASE. Even my cousin Samantha cant stand you. I feel so sad for the girl who you're with now. I bet she's wearing the pants in the relationship since you are ALWAYS whining about sth you prissy ass pussy. My condolences go out to that poor girl.
Enough ranting for now. Dont ever let me see you. If I as much as hear a word about you bitching about me, like you do to everyone, YOU ARE FUCKING DEAD. And no, that is not a threat. Just a mere statement. Sue me if you can. I can hire lawyers who are better than you. I have enough cash for that, dont worry. Sue me for defamation. Go ahead. I'm waiting. Also, dont forget that I know where you live.
Oh yeah, one last thing. I went skateboarding with your poody bear or whatever nickname you call it. I stepped on it and skated around Joanne's house. Makes a real comfy skateboard. Hope you're hugging it to sleep now so you can smell my feet. It was even my football. Karen & I played football with it. LOL. You didnt change, you never will.
the way you express yourself? its... masterpiece. know that?!
OMG you should author a book. i'm serious. see you at breakfast at one of these days. according to ur sister... sigh. i don't know which one of these days. let me know.
LOL. thanks cuzzie. he's a bastard who deserves all the bitchin gin the world.
yeah, i'm always free. so we meet up for bfast.
stella i'll just meet u up for breakfast. i'm really disappointed in your sister. about the blog war i had, it was actually necessary to defend my relationship. and ur sister linked me up with xiaxue, dawn etc etc... which she prolly thought was funny but i really don't think so.
we're cousins right. even if she wanted traffic she could've left me out of it. so alright. let me know bout breakfast.
it wasnt meant to come out like that and i did not link u to xia xue and dawn yang. it was jus an example. i deleted the post edi and im sorry abt it.
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