As you all know, 2day/yesterday's Merdeka a.k.a National Day for all us Malaysians. In true Malaysian style, the streets were filled with Mat Rempit's and what not. Coincidentally, Gwen was doing her bday bash the exact same night as the countdown. :) So our whole convoy and some others gathered at SoHo.
Venue : SoHo
People :
Lodgians - Truman, Wun, Steph, Kitty & More
Owen came to pick Joanne & I but on his way, he got into an accident. Some cb lakia's brakelights werent working so Owen thought the car was moving but it was actually stationary. Hence *BANG!*. But we arrived at SoHo pretty early before 10. Since it was Merdeka and shit, the place was totally overparked. Enough words. [Gwen I want pics!]
Darling sticking her tongue out.
Owen followed her.
So did Cath.
And me. LOL. Gwen started a trend.
Well yeah, I was the only one who did it after.
Wendy & Joanne.
This was her when she was stil sober.
A lil tipsy now.
Alvin & Suleen were LATE as usual. Cath & Alvin has the same expression.
Gwen looking oh-so-sexy in this pic. :)
Joanne. Suleen. Cath. Gwen. My lovesssss. <3
Owen followed her.
So did Cath.
And me. LOL. Gwen started a trend.
Well yeah, I was the only one who did it after.
Wendy & Joanne.
This was her when she was stil sober.
A lil tipsy now.
Alvin & Suleen were LATE as usual. Cath & Alvin has the same expression.
Gwen looking oh-so-sexy in this pic. :)
Joanne. Suleen. Cath. Gwen. My lovesssss. <3
Slightly before midnight, Cath & I headed over to the bar to order my darling a flamming lambo. *winks winks* Yeah, we had to get through a hell lot of ppl to get to the bar but we eventually did. It was all worthed it. Darling got so tipsy she was yelling at the top of her lungs for the rest of the night and she couldnt stand straight.
Ooh La La.
She couldnt wait to drink. She was edi tipsy then.
Drink up babeh.~
Yay her! She finished and didnt puke. Unlike Kim.
After the lambo, Gwen darling was falling all over the place. She even fell down. ROFL. She's so uber cute when she's drunk. She was screaming all the words to My Humps and Dance Everybody. Kim on the other hand disappeared and puked l8r on Cath's bed.
Kim, the badass. Lmao.
My sexy girls.
Alvin & Owen.
Joanne with the gang.
Suleen wearing a DRESS. :)
Rock This Party. Dance Everybody. Make It Hot In This Party.
Isaac came but left early.
Kim with his normal pose when he just arrived.
SoHo was fun during the countdown but I missed out a hell lot coz I was looking after Alex who was in k-hole after taking coke. Cb dude. He puked like nuts and all his frens went home, leaving me to take care of him while waiting for Clarissa to come send him back. Managed to drink a couple of beers outside but no dancing or clubbing atmosphere. Just a high dude puking his guts out. :( Owel. Frens first right?
Venue : SoHo [also]
People :
Chris (bday boy)
Ah Fook
Ah Fong
Wee Chung
GuGu celebrated his bday countdown over at SoHo a night before Gwen did hers. We had 6 bottles of Black Label plus beer. GuGu was tipsy by the time he cut his cake and stil hungover during Gwen's party the following night. LOL.
Me & the bday boy GuGu.
My Darling Gwenda Tan Wen Ling.
GuGu & Gwenda.
The aftermath after the cake cutting ceremony.
Wee Chung. Joanne. Gwen.
Candid group pic.
Another candid shot. I likeeeee.
Welli. Shawn. GuGu. Chung.
All in all I had a blast these couple of days. Makes me so happy to be able to send this year's National Day surrounded by people I love. Happy 20th to Chris & Happy 19th to Gwen. I love you two to death. :) Music was hot and so was the crowd. Me is feeling happy. It turned out better than I expected.~ *smiles*
Havent been to MoJo in ages. Used to be my spot. Wonder how it is now. SoHo's music is wayyyyy hotter than MoJo. I heard Lady Gaga in SoHo. Yayness~!!
I'm so sorry for everything. I should have never provoked you but this goes both ways. You shouldnt provoke me either. Sorry for everything. I love you loads. Damn, I wanna watch Money Not Enough 2.