Dude is your life so damn pathetic that you gotta flame me in order to obtain more drama? Walao Just go get a life or Rot in Hell. Either way I don't give a fuck. Start as many blogs as you want about me. If you got the balls, just face me and say it to my face. But yeah you gotta go under some anonymous name and flame. Coward much? So you know where I work. WOW I've never mentioned where I work in my blog before. Never. TeeHee. So funny wei.
Anyone with half a brain like you would know from reading. Fucking moron. Wait I mean genius. Without balls. I'll just wait till the day your mom who works as a whore has the money to get you to do some operation for you to grow balls. It wouldn't make you any less faggy then you already are so yeah. Pointless. Bored of this shit already. Say all you want in the chatbox and open 1,000,000 other blogs flamming me yeah I didnt know I was famous enough to get my own blog dedicated to me either.. Doesnt really matter coz the people who actually know me wouldnt give a fuck anyway. And Zoe, if you read anything on my blog and you're not happy about it, don't get some faggot [or is it you? hmmm.] to flame me. Say it to my face. And for the record, I aint studying in Swinburne shithead. Get your bloody facts straight.
And finally, grow up StelHater. Get a life. If there's anything you're not happy about, just dont type the url or even read this blog. It aint for you and never will be. Zoe, I'm a straight forward person I'm just voicing my opinion. If there's anything, tell me and I'll do something about it. Enough drama la. sighs. Kids Kids Kids.
ooooo SOMEONE knows where I work. I'm so scared. Big woot.
eee~ i like this post. Like really shoot those haters
since i like this post, I reply here la. i dont care XP
I bought the tablet at Perfect P.C. Company, Tun Jugah tower, Level 3. In front the Sony shop. It's RM680. Medium size. The tablet is call 'Wacom Bamboo Fun'.
ooopssss i didnt know thought you didnt reply. thanks lot babe.
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