My ci bai MSN cannot use. Dunno wtf. Then the stupid rain fucking caused the Internet to lag like mad. Argh. Fuck I tried like logging in close to 50 times dy. It just wouldnt Log in OR Troublefuckingshoot. I'm so pissed off I'm tempted to reinstall the whole thing. Which reminds me, I gotta send my bro's to school tomo and gotta wake up at 6. Mayb tomo night. So due to my boredom, I went to Google and typed in ZOMG and guess what I found? Scroll down to see.
What I'm about to show is effing gross. Like srsly. If you have just eaten, I suggest that you just click the lil red cross on your upper right hand corner. Unless you wanna lose weight or that you're bullimic. In that case, be my guest.
I'm warning ya. Stop before it's too late.
No, dont go any lower. Please NO.
Sighs since you asked for it.
Are you sure you wanna see this?
Really, really sure?
Sigh okay dont say I didnt try to help you.
I told you not to. The end.
I shall go puke my guts out now after seeing that shit.
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