Wednesday, April 22, 2009
ARGH 2 days...
Definitely not this. LOL. But I do know a few people who might need this. *cough cough* Sorry la if I'm a bitch. Nobody's asking you to read. HAHAHA.
Posted by Stella Kho at 11:28 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Is Gonna Have Surgery
Yes, I'm gonna get ankle surgery done. Sighs. Had one done in 2007 but apparently the screw is outta place thanks to many many nights of basketball and badminton. So yeah. M having surgery scheduled Friday 9.00 a.m at Kuching Specialist to have it removed for good. Since my ankle's completely healed anyway no point having it anymore. But yeah come visit meeeeee. Will be staying there but don't know for how long yet.
Posted by Stella Kho at 12:26 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 18, 2009
This cheers me up. Does it cheer YOU up?
Went to my brother's school 2day and that's what I found. Like wtf. His results..... okay nvrmnd forget it. Forget I said anything. So yeah. He bloody drew his hand print on the tables.
Conversation of the day:
Teacher : *passes result slip to Merv*
Merv : WOAH SEJARAH got double digit. [11!]
Teacher : *speechless*
Merv : Eh Moral got 8 marks. Not bad not bad.
Stella : *tries so fucking hard not to laugh in front of teacher*
Went to my brother's school 2day and that's what I found. Like wtf. His results..... okay nvrmnd forget it. Forget I said anything. So yeah. He bloody drew his hand print on the tables.
Conversation of the day:
Teacher : *passes result slip to Merv*
Merv : WOAH SEJARAH got double digit. [11!]
Teacher : *speechless*
Merv : Eh Moral got 8 marks. Not bad not bad.
Stella : *tries so fucking hard not to laugh in front of teacher*
Posted by Stella Kho at 3:01 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
To StellaHater
Dude is your life so damn pathetic that you gotta flame me in order to obtain more drama? Walao Just go get a life or Rot in Hell. Either way I don't give a fuck. Start as many blogs as you want about me. If you got the balls, just face me and say it to my face. But yeah you gotta go under some anonymous name and flame. Coward much? So you know where I work. WOW I've never mentioned where I work in my blog before. Never. TeeHee. So funny wei.
Anyone with half a brain like you would know from reading. Fucking moron. Wait I mean genius. Without balls. I'll just wait till the day your mom who works as a whore has the money to get you to do some operation for you to grow balls. It wouldn't make you any less faggy then you already are so yeah. Pointless. Bored of this shit already. Say all you want in the chatbox and open 1,000,000 other blogs flamming me yeah I didnt know I was famous enough to get my own blog dedicated to me either.. Doesnt really matter coz the people who actually know me wouldnt give a fuck anyway. And Zoe, if you read anything on my blog and you're not happy about it, don't get some faggot [or is it you? hmmm.] to flame me. Say it to my face. And for the record, I aint studying in Swinburne shithead. Get your bloody facts straight.
And finally, grow up StelHater. Get a life. If there's anything you're not happy about, just dont type the url or even read this blog. It aint for you and never will be. Zoe, I'm a straight forward person I'm just voicing my opinion. If there's anything, tell me and I'll do something about it. Enough drama la. sighs. Kids Kids Kids.
ooooo SOMEONE knows where I work. I'm so scared. Big woot.
Posted by Stella Kho at 8:50 PM 2 comments
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Was just talking to Tracie & Joanne today about our friends who have passed away so abruptly this past year(s). It's funny how life is aint it? One second you're anxiously waiting to start a new life in a whole new place. The next thing you know, you're falling 14 storeys down. There's this lodgian named Aaron Teo who left for KL to further his studies but slipped off the ledge of his 14th floor apartment and passed away.
Then there's the Sia Beach incident, the drowning of the kid at De Summit swimming pool & Angie who I didn't know personally but I read her blog. It's just so saddening how everything is. Angie didn't know that she was gonna die. She was still blogging before everything and just like that she was gone. It got me thinking. What if that happened to me?
The saddest part about all of them who passed away abruptly is the people they left behind. Think about a parent who lost a child, a lover who lost his/her significant other or a friend who just lost a friend. I might not know Aaron Teo personally but my heart goes out to his family and all those who knew him. This shouldn't have happened. He was only 18. And fuck this bitch who fucking wrote this shit about him as if there was something to laugh about. Respect Aaron & his family. There's nothing to laugh at so stop being a bitch, mother fucker.
I just read this. This is bullshit. It's seriously bs. Read this and see what them bitches say about Sarawak & Aaron.
Anyway, I just wanna tell those I love you know who you are that if I am to one day leave you suddenly, I'm sorry for all the things I've done and all the things I've said without thinking. To mommy & daddy : sorry if I havent spent as much time at home as I should have. To steph, merv & nick : sorry if I kept bullying you guys when I was younger. To friends : sorry if I've ever said anything that offended you. To you : I'll still ❤ you no matter where I am. If I ever pass away one day at least they can read my blog and see these last msgs here. Shit I think I'm thinking too much. Sighs. Life is short.
When my time comes, Forget the wrong that I've done, Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed. Don't resent me, And when you're feeling empty keep me in your memory.
Leave out all the rest.
Posted by Stella Kho at 12:49 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
New Gadget.
My new toy :) I know I know. Why Toshiba? Coz it has a 4GB ram, Intel Centrino, Intel Core Duo and a very very shiny kaypad. LOL. And I like the white light that illuminates from the keyboard. Oh well. It's still nice and I love it. :)
Oh and DAMN I just got my schedule. Mcb I have class from 8 a.m to 3 p.m every Tuesday and Thursday. Then on Mondays & Wedfnesdays damn alang alang class from 3 p.m - 5p.m. Sighs. So sad wei. Hafta pia straight to work again.
Posted by Stella Kho at 9:24 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
My ci bai MSN cannot use. Dunno wtf. Then the stupid rain fucking caused the Internet to lag like mad. Argh. Fuck I tried like logging in close to 50 times dy. It just wouldnt Log in OR Troublefuckingshoot. I'm so pissed off I'm tempted to reinstall the whole thing. Which reminds me, I gotta send my bro's to school tomo and gotta wake up at 6. Mayb tomo night. So due to my boredom, I went to Google and typed in ZOMG and guess what I found? Scroll down to see.
What I'm about to show is effing gross. Like srsly. If you have just eaten, I suggest that you just click the lil red cross on your upper right hand corner. Unless you wanna lose weight or that you're bullimic. In that case, be my guest.
I'm warning ya. Stop before it's too late.
No, dont go any lower. Please NO.
Sighs since you asked for it.
Are you sure you wanna see this?
Really, really sure?
Sigh okay dont say I didnt try to help you.
I told you not to. The end.
I shall go puke my guts out now after seeing that shit.
Posted by Stella Kho at 12:38 AM 0 comments
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